Ювелирные кристаллы (Fancy Stones) 214 items
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Dear customers, our shop is moving to another country (Germany). For this reason we'll be closed for several months starting from June 22, 2024. We are planning to open our store again in January 2025.
During this period you'll not be able to make orders on our website. If you already made your order, it will be processed and shipped according to the policies of our store.
During this period you'll not be able to make orders on our website. If you already made your order, it will be processed and shipped according to the policies of our store.
4142 Зеркало барокко 14
4162 Вытянутый Овал 13
4230 Лимон 8
4327 Крупная груша 9
4331 Дождевая капля 8
4460 Мистический квадрат 13
4470 Квадратная подушка 18
4499 Калейдоскоп квадрат 3
4745 Риволи звезда 16
4328 Xilion Груша 8
4322 Слеза 14
4120 Овал 11
4122 Овальные Риволи 16
4228 XILION Navette 23
4320 Груша 29