Lamedad litrid 0 items
Sukelduge kõrgekvaliteediliste lamedate ümmarguste litrite maailma, mille on Prantsusmaal valmistanud Langlois Martin ja Itaalia Andrea Bilics koos Creativity Shopiga. Neid paillette kasutavad maailma kuulsamad disainerid nagu Dolce Gabbana, Versace, Dior ja paljud teised. Meie litritest saab kindlasti teie lemmikmaterjal teie käsitööna valminud toodete jaoks.
Saate osta suurt valikut lamedaid litrid: nööriga litrid, mis sobivad kõige paremini Luneville’i tikandiks, samuti mitmeotstarbelised lahtised litrid igat tüüpi käsitöö jaoks. Uskumatud ja erksad värvid ning värviefektid, nagu portselan, sillerdavad, idamaised, metallist, satiinist 2–6 mm litrid – kõik saadaval saidil
Dear customers, our shop is moving to another country (Germany). For this reason we'll be closed for several months starting from June 22, 2024. We are planning to open our store again in January 2025.
During this period you'll not be able to make orders on our website. If you already made your order, it will be processed and shipped according to the policies of our store.
During this period you'll not be able to make orders on our website. If you already made your order, it will be processed and shipped according to the policies of our store.